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Showing posts from May, 2014

It's about time !

Yayy!! another semester is about to end. I'm just one short of giving my final exams, phew! I've had such an insane and inhumane date sheet this time, 5 papers back to back within a span of 20 hours each. And the worst part, I've a 5 day break for my last exam XD. So my routine was pretty much about study, food and sleep( in that order). This was not particularly new to me because we are used to such stuff but the intensity was too much this time. And whatever happened to my resolution of ' I shall study this thoroughly for end sem. has been put to rest. How can you even possibly imagine to use your brain and look for some logic and reasoning for the poor last and second last subjects!! May they vanish away in peace -_- Apart from that, it has been such an eventful sem. I met loads of new people and enjoyed their company a lot, probably because of the same interests and likes (the foremost reason we got close). These very people brought a s...