I (you too) must have read a couple of articles on college life; 10 points on how things change after college, when you turn 22, how college people are your friends forever blah blah... While these articles are cool enough what they fail to capture is the experience itself; the 4 years of loathing that somehow turn into a bitter sweet feeling as the end approaches. And the ironic thing is that, like me, I presume most of us did hate college sometime, somewhere. But there is something amazing about the last semester, you know! It wasn't too long ago, I tell you. The news of a cancelled class makes you happy though you know that some weekday there would be an extra class from 5-6. Th at annoying person who made all your quizzes impossible through constant cries of ' kara d e y y a ar ' doesn't seem to bother you af...
We are all storytellers; mine are here :)