I still can't bring myself to think that this was the last odd sem. I have had together with my friends, staying in hostel. The 7 th sem. would be for 6 months training and we would all be definitely far apart. And how would the days turn out to be then, from practically being in each others company nearly 24x7 to being all by ourselves! Odd semesters, I'v realized tend to end somehow way more sooner than the even semesters probably because we have a lot of days off in between due to festive season. A regular 45 days of teaching followed by mid sessionals, fests, a mini autumn break, 20-25 days of working college and then the inevitable lab quizzes, evaluations, end sessionals and the next thing you would be doing is packing your bags and heading off to homes. As the session began, I thought that this semester would pass out pretty smoothly, the work load and the credits were less than any other semester but I did get that wrong! Most of my subjects this sem. were totally ba...
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