Well summer vacations are here and for the very first time(since I joined college) I feel I'm home after long. Not that I have not been home but I don't remember myself doing absolutely nothing. I've been questioned so many times these days ' what are you doing? whats on your side?' and I realized I'm probably doing nothing. I've erratic sleeping patterns, gorge on food whenever and Read – yes! I've and endless list of ' to read'. I was earlier segregating my text books to be given to juniors when I recalled summer vacations was so much fun during school time. We were given holiday homework ( you just can't escape it) but it was something I liked doing. Now that I have nothing to do, I feel equally happy and satisfied somehow! I've all the time to sit and think of nothing, plan for nothing and worry for nothing at all. How long has it been since I had felt this way?! I go out in evening and water plants; see their shades of green and bro...
We are all storytellers; mine are here :)