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The Sweetness Of Doing Nothing

Well summer vacations are here and for the very first time(since I joined college) I feel I'm home after long. Not that I have not been home but I don't remember myself doing absolutely nothing. I've been questioned so many times these days ' what are you doing? whats on your side?' and I realized I'm probably doing nothing. I've erratic sleeping patterns, gorge on food whenever and Read – yes! I've and endless list of ' to read'. I was earlier segregating my text books to be given to juniors when I recalled summer vacations was so much fun during school time. We were given holiday homework ( you just can't escape it) but it was something I liked doing. Now that I have nothing to do, I feel equally happy and satisfied somehow! I've all the time to sit and think of nothing, plan for nothing and worry for nothing at all. How long has it been since I had felt this way?! I go out in evening and water plants; see their shades of green and brown, see the pretty resplendent flowers; stare at birds, ants, cats; see the sun setting; feel the moist, warm air; and just that !! No more, no less. I could spend entire days like this :)

 I came to know that Italians call this state as 'Dolce far niente' simply and loosely translated to the sweetness of doing nothing. What an absolute way of enjoying and rejuvenating yourself. No messaging or checking for mails. Replying to messages at my own pace. Clueless as to what comes on TV these days (besides FIFA). No clue about movies playing at multiplexes near you. No 'to do list'. No compulsion of dressing up ( I spend my entire days in pajamas). So much to do nothing!!

Soon I would be returning back to the routine of doing the same thing day in and day out, of making files and projects and so on. So it's okay to stand still some time. It's okay to slow down and watch the world go by. It's okay to lose yourself in the moment...


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Rewind 2024

In another 3 weeks, this year will come to an end. It is finally a good time to update something here, more out of guilt that I posted something (finally) and a reminder for me to improve upon this for the next year. This year was quite eventful, and I am extremely grateful for having the opportunities both at work and on a personal level to be able to see and travel to different parts of the world. If you might think this is bragging, then please excuse yourselves and do not scroll further. I often think about how many things one should share on social media, and every time I end up convincing myself that being active on social media is not my cup of tea. In some sense, I have become more of a recluse, and I think it has got to do with my conditioning of being here in Germany. People in general are a bit reluctant in displaying their private lives, and I seem to resonate with this thought. And anyway, people with whom I want to share stuff, reaches them anyway. And as for keeping myse...

For the love of Libraries

 I have been fascinated with libraries for the longest time that I can remember. As school going kids, we had to buy at least one of the four books recommended apart from course material. And at the end of term, we had a reading quiz competition where the teacher basically prepared a short quiz of 40 questions from those 4 books, that you were able to answer only if you had read the books thoroughly. So, that ensured that you not only read your book but exchanged the books you’re your classmates. And one of the books was always in Hindi. I dreaded to read because that did not come naturally to me as our mode of education was almost entirely in English. What started as reading just 4 books annually in class 3 or 4 soon turned to lending books from school library that were issued for a period of 2 weeks to eventually making my own library card for the Central library in my city. My mom is a huge reader and would always encourage (and still does) me to go to the library and let me pic...


I had promised my friend(s) that I would soon put up a blog post. Here’s for you people  😉 Thanks for being ever patient, for the humiliation, for being stubborn, and for the constant nagging. You never know what works for me. I never know what would work but please continue with the same zeal as you have been. At least this way, I do end up writing one way or the other. And it does more good to me than to you. I cannot, however, promise how soon I will put up a detailed post for you about my stay in India this time but with your constant motivation and rebukes, I am sure it will see the light of day soon. First things first, it was lovely meeting you all after all these years. And it feels good to come back to the city and still find you guys there. And a little cherry on top, those of you who were not in the city had to be in the city because of work from home conditions. And a few of you just happened to be there on a given day or made sure you were there. Either way, know ...