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Summed it up All :D

It has been quite sometime since I've posted something on the blog. A self conscious decision of being regular, I could not keep up with, ugh! Blogger tells me my last post was 2nd August, that’s roughly 5 months :O I had my training sem. so I got to enjoy a decent time at home. And in these months I've met so many people- my age, seniors, super seniors; learnt, heard, did so much of new stuff that I actually ended up enjoying it :D Has anything considerably changed in this time? On a minuscule scale, NO, BUT (yes, the inevitable one) I feel I've become more aware of the person that I see myself as. How I am to describe what I feel? “It feels like everything's been decided in advance that I'm following a path somebody else has already mapped out for me. It doesn't matter how much I think things over, how much effort I put into it. In fact, the harder I try, the more I lose my sense of who I am. It's like my identity's an orbit that I've strayed far away from.” - Kafka on The Shore, Huraki Murakami to the rescue :)

Well this said and done, I had a trip to Kolkata and Sunderbans !! Sunderbans literally translated as "beautiful forest" which it UNDOUBTEDLY is (largest single block of mangrove forest in the world, National Park, Tiger Reserve, and a Biosphere Reserve). I was so wrong with my concept and portray of them (I had presumed it to be somewhat similar to back waters of Kerela, only a little more broader) but the view is breathtakingly amazing! It is a network of islands and water channels (perhaps 3-4 km in breadth) and as far as you can see, there are trees, roots, bushes, grasses; in all their resplendent colors of green, yellow-orange-brown and water- aqua green, lighter blue, darker blue, silvery white as it seems to meet the ocean! A small disappointment of not being able to see The Royal Bengal Tiger, in its natural habitat but that's OK(you don't expect tigers to show up at the peak of tourist season, amidst the strange and annoying noises of us, humans and ferries; they have every right to disappear and move back to the thick forest area; much respect and approval of *their * ways). Though we did manage to spot crocodile (sunbathing :P) , water monitors, deers(adorable and innocent), crabs(naughty them in red and yellow), mud skippers and many a variety of birds and monkeys, not to forget :D
On any given day, I would prefer to be at a place, such as this, instead of the one where you are to constantly keep up with world and do things that regular/ normal/ socially accepted people do. Wake up, get ready, work/office, get back, relax (perhaps?), check phone/mails, eat, sleep REPEAT ROUTINE!! Not that I'm propagating some kind of stone age but yes, I personally prefer this more of a relaxed, taking things slowly, cherishing them way of a kind, NO haste stuff. All in all it has been a much needed lovely trip.

And now, as I sit and write, it has almost been a month since my college has resumed and no wonder, time does fly!! looking forward to yet another sem. - the last one for B.E and how it unfolds :) 

                                       This, above, pretty much sums up Sunderbans :))


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