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My list of things that deserve a BAN !!

Well, sometime last week there were a series of bans that I read about  and while I was caught up in an inevitable task of giving sessionals :P I wondered why can't we really ban the way we are evaluated. So after discussing it at length ( for the Nth time) with my people about the pros and cons of the system and how it can not be changed *that* easily and that I was actually wasting my time for no good, I was told to stop nagging and concentrate on what I can!!
Since banning things is the 'new in' these days ( it seems so) here's a list of few things I suppose, deserve a ban (random stuff I could think of) :D -

1. YouTube adds
picture yourself reading the boring, dull slides and pdf's. How can you keep yourself awake and glued to it? Select a playlist and shoot. But there's a little problem with it. It doesn't play the song first. Rather you get to hear, “i don't care if cables were people or if your hair are pokey or life is well traveled...” Seriously! I can't even skip them at times. These need to go. There's an ad-block but still, why the effort?

2. Crap on Indian TV
I'm sure the majority of us is not interested in watching the daily soaps running generations showing torture, melodrama, overreaction and all sorts of negativity filled with gaudy and jewellery laden people! I agree that the Indian household system is *complex* and we have our ways to deal with them, we need not be burdened with all the mean and nasty stuff. Why do serials such as sarabhai vs sarabhai, dekh bhai dekh, office-office, khichdi, hum paanch are not made anymore? Have we then degraded in our choices then :/
Why don't we have Netflix or Amazon as yet??

3. Few kinds of humans XD 
No, not all of them! Ban the stupids, irrational arguer, manipulative jerks...I sometimes feel there are people who just want to pick a fight, for the sake of it. And then there are people who are downright evil and mean. They can be harder to spot because they'll often make you feel like 'you're' the problem. They will play with your guilt or exploit your sympathy. Don't fall to their level :) 

Littering/ Spitting
Let us admit, our public places are littered and dirty. Period. We are so particular about our homes/rooms- broom, sweep, dusting but what about the streets strewn with all kinds of waste whose rightful place is in a dustbin. And let alone roads, it seems that we Indians have developed a strange obsession for spitting rather coloring the neat/clean corners of every single wall in government offices, public places, stations, hospitals etc. This needs a ban; its disgusting and unhygienic at all levels!!

5. Bullying
Humans bullying humans and humans bullying animals!!
Bullying can happen anywhere: at school, work, home, on social networking sites etc.
Things that classify as bullying (net searched)-
  • repeated hurtful remarks or attacks, or making fun of your work or you as a person (including your family, gender identity, race/culture, education or economic background)
  • playing mind games, ganging up on you, deliberately changing your work hours
  • giving you pointless tasks that have nothing to do with your job (makes me wonder, hmm)
  • holding back information you need for getting your work done properly...
    and physical violence when it comes to animals is a form of bullying too. Kicking/dragging/ throwing stuff at 'animals' that can easily lead to the harm & possibly damage its psyche and even make it mean, needs a ban!
AND above all, on a more serious note, there needs to be a *BAN* on poaching, female infanticide, honor killings, hate speeches, moral policing, child labor...


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