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To the feeling called Friends :D

So the sole purpose of writing posting today is mainly because I hate changes (or, well, at least I believe that I do, to an extent) and partly because when I had logged in today, it was the 1st Sunday of August. Fb was generous enough to remind me twice that I had posted a blogpost celebrating Friendship over the past two years now. This, if not much is a ritual for me and I couldn’t let this year be any different.

Already having been irregular over the past few weeks and then being pointed out by a few friends of mine, as to how I keep on procrastinating things for next weekend and how my blog desperately needs oxygen or that they pray demons don’t take over internet or wifi and the chances of its survival are low; guilt mixed with a feeling of humiliation and embarrassment of being such a haughty/moody brat had finally taken over and this was much needed!
I beg you Thee to forgive me :”) >

If there’s any relationship that I value the most, it has to be friendship. I still stick to my words that friends made during our nascent years are the truer one’s because they were based on a feeling of mutual liking, interests, habits and innocence; when all you needed was somebody to share your merry making, to be the student when you played teacher-teacher, to be a policeman when you played spy-police-thief; when at 5pm you needed to cycle or go for skating and not turn back till your mother had shouted her lungs out; when in recess you were tempted to share their tiffin’s and in turn offer them yours; when just collecting your notebook at the end so that you can complete a question given for homework meant life to you; when greed, competition, jealousy, money, profit, gains were not a word in our dictionary. Such was the beauty of having *them* friends!!

Time passed by and as all good things come to an end, this phase was replaced by people who came into your life during your college years. You were again bonded with people over mutual likes- trips, food-corners, hostel rooms, mess food, bunking class, class parties, tutorial notebooks, lab experiments, last benches, summer internships, club activities and so on. Those 4 years were
ahmayzing BUT I’m sure it’s not just me who has experienced over having a different set of people almost each semester. There were constants, there will be but in general you hung out with more or less different people. Was it you who had changed? Or was it them?
Or was it none and just the circumstances?
Humans feel a level of comfort when they get to fall in a defined group of *something* ?!
(for a lack of better word :P )
As much as you value and appreciate individuality, propagate uniqueness, celebrate who-you-are, you still try to be a part of some group that gives you recognition, some sense of belongingness, acceptance. These well defined boundaries- either be a square or a circle. You try to mould yourself, do things which perhaps you didn’t like at first place. You don’t even once try to be that Sq(uare)Cir(cle) which you were not afraid of being as a kid!!!! You push your boundaries, go out a little of your zone and invite some more.
That’s perhaps a reason I guess very few of us still stay in touch after college gets over and the one’s I am in touch with, I am extremely humbled.
And then there are the ones whom you’ve just had a chance to meet, just few months of doing something common ( seniors, juniors, peers) and who have slowly crawled into your lives by their constant efforts to having a conversation keep alive!

I love calling these people as my people because time, distance, jobs, higher education etc hasn’t kept us apart. It has all the more given us reason to be together! You can go on about talking anything with them under the sun and they will patiently listen. They will ridicule you, mock you, and give you that much needed virtual hug and presence when you need it the most.
You share crazy stories, loud voice messages, a call after a month and you feel so good about yourself. And this, you reciprocate too.
May you all continue to find reasons that strengthen your bond. May you all have patience to wait for a friend who has been keeping busy. May you all put in efforts to keep your friendship alive and kicking. May you also find strangers and give them a chance, who are waiting to becoming your friends!

PS. Happy Friendship Day to my people, today and forever.
Red Reddiee Pasta Popcorn Beere Sumo Laaall Aastha(given name) :DD
PPS. Happy friendship day to the docile, cute, adorable Noble Sentient beings who will not be reading this but they do just as well <3


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