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To quiz or not to

   I've always loved to quiz, despite the fact that I'm not remarkably outstanding at it yet I enjoy it every time. It's engaging, competitive and fun. To most of us, quizzing is about knowledge. You are asked a question: you either know it or you don’t. If you don’t, the quiz is terribly boring. My keen interest for quizzing goes back to my school days where we had to choose a club. After shuffling from flower making to debating and public speaking to reading( I'm not sure about the name, the essence is same though ) it was finally quizzing which I finally stuck with for the rest of my school years. It was initially due to the fact that majority of my friends were in it and partly because it was presided by one of the teachers I greatly looked up to. To begin with there were capitals, currencies, chief ministers, sobriquet and stuff like that which I learnt from GK Today's and CSR's. Manorama's and Derek Oberoi's books followed soon. Bournvita Quiz Contest was watched with great interest.
    College happened and I realized that I still enjoyed by mere participation. But this time it  was not about the already knowns. It was like you are asked a question, you search it for clues, one teammate suggests one strand of thought, another suggests an alternative, you ponder, think hard and suddenly it all falls into place. Eureka !!
   My quizzing friend from school - Harnoor and I still occasionally participate in what so ever little chance we get. I guess its just for the sake of fun and sheer enjoyment that excites me to participate in these events. A thought often arises as to what will I get out of it, but then I guess the very essence of it would be lost if I happen to take it in terms of gain and loss. It is sometimes best to continue doing a thing without looking for an ulterior motive. Ergo, whatever the outcome be, I'm always still ready to scratch my brain !


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