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What a Day it has been !!

 As I sit here on my bed, soaking up the free Wi-Fi at hostel, eating all that I can possibly find in my room and listening to the DJ being played outside(diwali night), I’m reflecting on how happy I am. BUSY, but happy! The day started as usual  with a class at 8 am in the morning( I don't sulk anymore) because 8am classes are now a part of my daily routine. There isn't a day this semester that doesn't starts at 8. The next class was cancelled so I thought to make the most out of it, instead of ideally sitting in the sun or roaming in the college corridors I decided to come back to hostel so that I could give the diyas to my hostel manager, for we had a function tonight, which we thought of providing under ENACTUS( non profit org. and a community of students, leaders & thereby using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a more sustainable world), that would be officially starting from tomorrow. The idea behind this simple gesture was to eliminate the middle men and directly sell the products of a community of potters that we had found near Patiala.
The rest of the classes went just as usual –
 making notes which/when(ever) necessary and of course planning for the events for the publicity of ENACTUS for evening.The day ended at 5 and by then most of the things and events had happened as we had hoped them to go. 
We had set up most of our things at cafeteria which is filled with beaming people when the classes gets over. It was so much fun to see the anticipation, pride, happiness, zeal, team-work( with a bit of nagging), laughter amongst us. We got free by 7pm and after discussing about tomorrow's schedule we proceeded to our respective hostels. And it doesn't ends here. A rangoli competition is currently in progress and soon my friends would be here to dance, eat and enjoy...
I'v been on my toes all day literally :D


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For the love of Libraries

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