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A Happy Reunion !!

How delighted I was today to meet 
a family (who were our neighbors once) and my childhood friends. I met them after about 7-8 years!! The amount of happiness of course can not be measured but any one could have judged by the bustling atmosphere full of laughter, enthusiasm, chit -chat & excitement that we all were indeed equally happy to see each other after all these years.
But there also wasn't any doubt that everything and everyone’s changed. Everyone’s more mature; and it’s not just about life years. Each of us had more responsibilities in life and everyone seems to be fulfilled and looking forward to the future. I thought smilingly how we've changed. Someone has grown up to be a meek and quite person, while the other one is loudest in the group; someone has gained weight while someone has grown up to be so tall that you have to actually raise the whole of your head to talk to them while standing :D
I'v spent my younger years with these people- playing, travelling to school, birthday parties, social gatherings and almost everything you could come up with beside studies since we varied in age. And though we met for a shorter period of time today but everything how small and naive that may have been, we fondly recalled everything that bonded us .

I've become more convinced that among the two constant things in life that I should be thankful for are changes and good friends. At first, you might not think that they go together, but I think they do. It is these very people and these very situations that make us who we are. They give us a sense of fulfillment and bliss :)


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