Now that I am no more a “Grameen” < self inducted word in vocab> i.e. a resident of Gurugram, it is good time to reflect. There has not been a single day where I have not loathed, despised and whined about this place. I ensured that almost everybody knew how pathetic a city can be. Well, I had to do nothing really. The city Metropolitan area ensured from time to time that it got the much needed attention, itself. From frequent power cuts, to unstable wi-fi, to poor network reception, to water logged streets, to forever smoggy hazy weather update by Google, to the perennial dust due to construction, and the inevitable traffic snarls- Gurugram had it all, and most of the times- All At Once! People suggested me to move to Noida but LOL that’s like choosing between the devil and the deep sea. As I sit cozy now, with all the time in hand and a trail of endless thoughts, I am inclined to think that the person that I’ve become in the past 2 years, to a great extent I’m shaped by t...
We are all storytellers; mine are here :)