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The madness called Gurugram

Now that I am no more a “Grameen” < self inducted word in vocab> i.e. a resident of Gurugram, it is good time to reflect. There has not been a single day where I have not loathed, despised and whined about this place. I ensured that almost everybody knew how pathetic a city can be. Well, I had to do nothing really. The city Metropolitan area ensured from time to time that it got the much needed attention, itself. From frequent power cuts, to unstable wi-fi, to poor network reception, to water logged streets, to forever smoggy hazy weather update by Google, to the perennial dust due to construction, and the inevitable traffic snarls- Gurugram had it all, and most of the times- All At Once!

People suggested me to move to Noida but LOL that’s like choosing between the devil and the deep sea.
As I sit cozy now, with all the time in hand and a trail of endless thoughts, I am inclined to think that the person that I’ve become in the past 2 years, to a great extent I’m shaped by the place I dwelled in.

An attempt to jot down things I’ve learnt and unlearnt over the past few months-

1.   Master at crossing roads -
I have learnt to cross road/roads when traffic is coming at you from all other directions. Oh! Not to forget, National Highways too :D
Well, usually you might see yourself surrounded by traffic that is moving in 1 direction whilst the rest are waiting at a red light or so. But on maddening streets of gurugram, a certain place called Rajeev chowk could make you learn to maneuver yourself with agility of a performer in a circus.

2.  Finding new routes to home -
Every city gets under construction and expansion, understandably so. You are well informed about the diversions and routes that you might have to undertake. But not in Gram. Every morning and on way back you would find the road dug up at a newer spot, the heavy machinery parked and workers carrying sacks full of cement and sand. The auto wala would refuse to go any further and you would begin your expedition on foot.

3.  Cheap thrills courtesy absence of Public transport -
People in this city usually resort to Ola/Uber for commuting.  Hence the jam packed roads, more on that later though. You always have the option of choosing comfort or pocket friendly means, it’s an individual choice. For me though it was always the latter one, most of the times. I had my reasons to go with it and I am glad I had the guts to stick to it. Once you are used to all the comfort, AC and pick and drop service at the doorstep, it becomes extremely unbearable for people when you can’t get the said option.
I have learnt that it is completely OK to travel in an auto packed with 10 other people whilst the loud songs blasts. The ride was/is cheap, a little risk of being overturned always persists :P and you might have unruly co-travelers.  But since I used to commute in office hours, the auto was always filled with people my age or college/school going kids.

4.  Being a little Smart by arriving and leaving early -
This, sadly this is one of the things I fail to understand why people cannot comprehend. I have realized that people have become so used to the monotony and humdrum of their routine work that they feel it is absolutely fine for everyone to be stuck in jam for an hour or so. It was never okay for me to leave ½ hour early because apparently sticking to the pointless system of maintaining office login hours > avoiding peak traffic hours. I was always amused and fed up when I had to repeatedly answer, explain and convince my higher ups about the rational decision of how leaving a few minutes early can save you the trouble of being stuck for more than 45 minutes.
As adamant as I am, I stuck to my decision of leaving early and calming myself down with a thought, “it’s good that they cannot process it, for if everyone starts thinking my way, they would all leave early and then we would have jams in my escape time slot too.”  *laughs*

5.  Have a thick skin -
People in north and especially NCR have a more aggressive side to them. Apart from this, there exists that class of lewd and rowdy people too; Y chromosomes especially who would walk past by brushing off against yourself while there is enough space on the road for 2 people to fit in.
For the first set of people, accept that you might have to endure humiliation. Do not attach self esteem to senseless, stupid and rude things that people have to say.
And as for the 2nd, that’s one thing our entire country is struggling with sadly. But let me tell you, do not be afraid to step out alone. If possible and if things can wait, prefer to be on streets in the daylight. Be alert and aware of your surroundings. Keep a friend informed. And any other method you have devised so far that keeps you alright, stick to it.  *fingers crossed*

6.  Learn to do things all by yourself -
I had this notion that you need a company to sit in a restaurant. But neeeh. I have learnt that it is uber cool to sit in a restaurant and order for yourself, watch a movie alone, go to the bank by yourself, enter a grocery shop and come out purchasing nothing, try clothes and decide yourself, order food like a pig and then eat it for the next few days…
People have their own dreams, details and distractions to contend with. An occasional look and a stare won’t harm you.

7.  Be who you are -  
The very people who glorify the energizing collision of cultures and vast menu of choices are often the same people who confine their social lives within the same few square blocks. And these are the ones you have to be wary of.  For they will suck you into the madness which they have accepted as part of their routines. Be unapologetic of who you are and where you come from. It is good to try and fit in but do not do that over giving up everything that you have learnt and you have been. I have seen people from towns and cities coming to metro cities and changing drastically over the past 1 year or so. It saddens me how people try to do things to gain acceptance of people who inhibit this place.

If anything that I have learnt, it is this- your strong resolve, grit and mannerisms matter the most. If you have to impress someone, let that be based on your work and character, certainly not the choice of clothes and being a wannabe on all social platforms. Period.

Gurugram you have taught me things by the things you had to offer, it’s not your fault. Some lessons are learnt the hard way, the messier way but nonetheless you learn. The city does provide opportunities, employment and a platform for people to fulfill their dreams. I hope you grow on to be a little more organized, a little less chaotic in years to come.

PS. From Gurgaon to Gurugram, that’s one feather in a cap  XD


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