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It is small, compact, airy, cozy and above all affordable! A bed, an almirah, a side drawer and a chair made it looked spacious at the same time. For the past 10 months, it had been the best place to hangout in the entire city :D The pleasantly looking humble room overlooked the next society on one side, the door at the back opened towards the gallery of our society and the other door towards the lobby of our house.

On a hot, humid and gloomy day I would open the back door to let the air in while occasionally looking out at the potted plants and on rare occasions I would find a certain Mr.Tom hiding nicely waiting for the cooing pigeons to settle. Whether Mr. Tom ever managed to have them, is still a mystery for I’ve seen him limping and never heard the struggle of a bird trying to get itself free. Mr. Tom loves to hide behind the Cast Iron plants that are kept along the walls to which the backdoor opens (yes, that’s their common name) and enjoy the biscuits which I fed him from time to time.

On a rainy day, when breeze would bring in the rain with itself, I’d open the windows. The cozy room in no time turned into a cool and ventilated one. Most of the times, I would sit on the floor and scatter stuff all around myself, within a distance of hands reach.
This has made my belief even stronger, “Being alone is underrated”. If I can use so many adjectives for a room and the time i’ve spent here, there must be something about it which the population at large fails to recognize. The thing is that the people, who haven’t known the pleasure of being alone, complain about company.

I have always preferred a room of my own at home, at college and even now. That’s a separate issue if one can’t find a decent room here these days and you might need to compromise a bit, that’s understandable and completely okay. I do enjoy company of friends- the laughter, the warmth, the merry making, the sudden dancing moments, the moral support that you get when you are low… all up to an extent. 

Even as a kid I would enjoy being *Home Alone* (and would laugh at other kids who were scared of being left alone even for a few hours :P) the same concept which I’ve enjoyed here over the past few months as well. I can cook, I can clean, I can read, I can video-call in my pyjamas, I can laugh insane, I can listen to songs out loud, I can draw, I can doodle, I can sleep anytime( Three words: Glorious uninterrupted sleep).

Why am I writing this? Because although I know change is inevitable, I also know I am not very good at adapting to them. It’s a method to cope up when you can’t do anything about a thing, you write it down and you vent. Grr… I NEED TO VACATE(unavoidable social circumstances, alas)!

But back to the point, people like to believe that they need someone in their life. But the ‘need’ seems a social construct to me. If everyone realized how peaceful being alone can be, then the society will crumble. But then, one can always have somebody but not be dependent on them and hope that they understand it as well. It’s probably the one addiction I can approve of right now. Learn to appreciate your own company  and I should pack. xD                                  


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