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Heading For Elections

The 2014 elections would be critical for India. They are being described as a 'youthquake', with an unprecedented share of first-time voters coming forward to exercise their democratic right. Around 12 crore 1st time voters are enrolled for the same.
I was reading this very interesting letter by Shashi Tharoor “Engaging Youngistan: Shashi Tharoor's letter to first-time voters” and was myself quite intrigued by the fact that average age of our population is a young 28, and half our countrymen are below the age of 25, while 66% are under 35! Hence these elections, are not merely about casting votes. They are our way of shaping our nation's future. As a young adult, I too am not particularly 'politically' interested, who has what to offer, what's on their agenda, their welfare schemes, political manifestos and stuff. Speeches are an exception though, they either turn out to be good or you get to watch spoofs (which - well are really hilarious :D) 
So when we say Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people I somehow can't digest the fact that most of well educated do not actually exercise their right to vote and as habitual we are complain and whine about throughout the next years. But then again there is this view that we do/did not have any major party at the center besides the 2 biggies UPA and NDA over the last years. AAP effect was in full swing few months back and it has really given people an option to look forward to. But personally, as a voter from Chandigarh I was disappointed to see Gul Panag getting ticket. She would be competing against Kiron Kher, Pawan Kumar Bansal, a seasoned politician who has somehow surprisingly managed to improve our Railway station along with introducing few new trains (things I could come up with now) which makes me think 'IF' she could deliver later on ground stage. I'm in no way doubting her capability( she might actually do good 'IF'' she gets elected) or promoting Mr Bansal. As a 1st time voter I actually have queries and doubts which are legit!!

Keeping the queries aside, what I'm really excited about is to finally have a chance to flaunt my blue/violet Voting Ink on the index finger :D How interesting would that be!! So people, go out and vote and be a part of the bigger picture.


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