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Showing posts from 2013

The Sem.that was

I still can't bring myself to think that this was the last odd sem. I have had together with my friends, staying in hostel. The 7 th  sem. would be for 6 months training and we would all be definitely far apart. And how would the days turn out to be then, from practically being in each others company nearly 24x7 to being all by ourselves! Odd semesters, I'v realized tend to end somehow way more sooner than the even semesters probably because we have a lot of days off in between due to festive season. A regular 45 days of teaching followed by mid sessionals, fests, a mini autumn break, 20-25 days of working college and then the inevitable lab quizzes, evaluations, end sessionals and the next thing you would be doing is packing your bags and heading off to homes. As the session began, I thought that this semester would pass out pretty smoothly, the work load and the credits were less than any other semester but I did get that wrong! Most of my subjects this sem. were totally ba...


Now that diwali is over, amidst all the hustle-bustle, I'v been recalling diwali's celebrated so far. I'v never been a cracker person. Ever since I was a kid when we used to celebrate diwali at my paternal grandparents house; filled full with relatives and cousins; I would light chakris from a distance by a phuljhari attached to long end of a stick. And even now I just enjoy only those crackers that end up bursting in the sky! What I'v always loved about any festival especially diwali is the 'get-together' besides yummy food. Every one of us would sit circling the table; eating, talking, laughing endlessly!  But over the years, everybody has drifted and migrated to cities so far that we now hardly get time to catch up with each other on times like these when once a family dinner was a ritual (not that we didn't have it this time, but the number of 'us' were definitely less). And in a house that was once filled with such lively and spirited people, ...

What a Day it has been !!

  A s I sit here  on my bed , soaking up the free Wi-Fi  at hostel, eating all that I can possibly find in my room and listening to the DJ being played outside(diwali night),  I’m reflecting on how happy I am. B USY , but happy!  The day started as  usual   with a class at 8 am in the morning( I don't sulk anymore) because 8am classes are now a part of my daily routine. There isn't a day this semester that doesn't starts at 8. The next class was cancelled so I thought to make the most out of it, instead of ideally sitting in the sun or roaming in the college  corridors  I decided to come back to hostel so that I could give the diyas to my hostel manager, for we had a function tonight, which we thought of providing under ENACTUS(  non profit org. and a community of students, leaders & thereby using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a more sustainable world), that would be  officially  st...

A Happy Reunion !!

How delighted I was today to meet  a family (who were our neighbors once) and my childhood friends.  I met them after about 7-8 years!! The amount of happiness of course can not be measured but any one could have judged by the bustling atmosphere full of laughter,  enthusiasm,  chit -chat  &  excitement that we all were  indeed equally happy to see each other after all these years. But there also wasn't any doubt that everything and everyone’s changed. Everyone’s more mature; and it’s not just about life years. Each of us had more responsibilities in life  a nd everyone seems to be fulfilled and looking forward to the future.  I  thought smilingly how we've changed.  Someone has grown up to be a meek and quite person, while the other one is loudest in the group; someone has gained weight while someone has grown up to be so tall that you have to actually raise the whole of your head to talk to them...

The Games I used to Play !!

Last week, thanks to the amazing weather we have had, I finally decided to swing a swing after all these years. It was so comforting, to swing, the cool breeze accompanying me as I oscillated back and forth, the sounds of insects humming, the smell of wet earth and a thousand pictures that went past my eyes of childhood where swinging was a part of routine!! And I realized there were so many games we used to play with cousins and with friends at school, so here are some of the few games I loved playing-  1) Dark Room - A game so fun when played with a house full of cousins. Pretty much like hide and seek, except that it is played in the dark :D I have some really fond memories of hiding under beds, between a stack full of blankets, up in somebody's lap or standing right next to the door so as to 'dhappa' the seeker before he could guess me!! 2) Hide and seek aka chupan chupai - A game that one never gets bored of playing. It was always fun to hide because finding things is...

To quiz or not to

   I've always loved to quiz, despite the fact that I'm not remarkably outstanding at it yet I enjoy it every time. It's engaging, competitive and fun.  To most of us, quizzing is about knowledge. You are asked a question: you either know it or you don’t. If you don’t, the quiz is terribly boring.   My keen interest for quizzing goes back to my school days where we had to choose a club. After shuffling from flower making to debating and public speaking to reading( I'm not sure about the name, the essence is same though ) it was finally quizzing which I finally stuck with for the rest of my school years. It was initially due to the fact that majority of my friends were in it and partly because it was presided by one of the teachers I greatly looked up to. To begin with there were capitals, currencies, chief ministers, sobriquet and stuff like that which I learnt from...

The Beginning

It had been on my mind for quite sometime now, to start blogging but I guess out of hesitance and reluctance (amongst many reasons unknown) this thing had been left unattended to. Sitting comfortably in my room and grudging about the weather my thoughts ponder to 'life'. Life, changes its course many times throughout the year. It would be at its best, offering joy and happiness; success and achievements; friends and laughter. We are so enthralled by it that we continue to take things for going in our favor every time. But occasionally life may not be the same as you had hoped for and most of the times you even don't have control over these things and then at times like these we feel dejected and give up on things easily. A slight glitch makes us to think that we are unfortunate! Life can be blissful if we understand that its neither completely abstract nor fully absolute. It's rather a unique composition imbued with soft and shrill tones. It would be so m...